Joseph H. Kay Jr., MD

Practices Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Over 20 years of Experience
Practices in the Arlington and Irving locations
Dr. Joseph Kay practices Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He graduated from Ross University School of Medicine in 1991 and completed his Residency at the University of Texas Health System. Dr. Kay has been proudly servicing North Texas and practicing for over 20 years. As a Physiatrist, Dr. Kay specializes in non-operative management of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.
Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Dr. Kay completed his internship in Internal Medicine at Methodist Hospital in 1992. He is a team physician and sports medicine consultant for the DFW Express baseball organization. He has been the Medical Director for Parkland’s Camp for Burn Injured Children for over 20 years. Voted consistently by his Medical Peers as a “Top Doc” for Tarrant County, Dr. Kay continues to receive raved reviews from his patients and their families.
Outside of work, Dr. Kay enjoys traveling with his wife and two kids, his fondest travel memory “experiencing the Magic of Disneyworld with his family.” Dr. Kay maintains a healthy lifestyle by staying active through golfing, hiking, and running errands. When he finds time to relax, he tries to catch up on leisure reading.
Education & Training
College: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine, Portsmouth, Dominica
Internship: Internal Medicine, Methodist Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee
Residency: The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Tennessee State Board of Medical Examiners 6/97
- Texas State Board of Medical Examiners 8/95
- Arkansas State Board of Medical Examiners 9/92
- Diplomat, American board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 5/96
- Fellow, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 10/96
- Fellow, Physiatric Association of Spine, Sports, and Occupational Rehabilitation (PASSPR) 11/97
- Physiatrist, Arlington Orthopaedics Associates, Arlington, Texas 7/00-present
- Medical Director and Camp Physician, Camp I-Thonka-Chi, Parkland’s Summer Camp for Burn Injured Children 5/93-present
- Assistant Clinical Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 7/97-present
- Medical Director, Rehab Care Center, Arlington Medical Center, Arlington, Texas 7/00-2008
- Physiatrist, Hovis Orthopaedics Clinic, Knoxville, Tennessee 7/97-6/00
- Physiatric Consultant, Rehab Care Center at Lakeway Regional, Morristown, Tennessee 6/98-7/00
- Advisory Board Member for The Arthritis Foundation, The Smokey Mountain Chapter, Knoxville, Tennessee 11/97-6/00
- Assistant Professor of PM&R, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 8/95-6/97
- Joint Appointment in the Orthopaedic Surgery Dept. for Non-Operative Spine Care, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 2/97-6/97
- Assistant Medical Director of PM&R, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas 12/95-6/97
- Medical Director of PM&R, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas 8/95-6/97
- Physiatric Consultant, Eugene McDermott Pain Management Center, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 8/95-6/97
- Physiatric Consultant, Adult Muscular Dystrophy Clinic, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 8/95-2/97
- Chief Resident and Clinical Instructor, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 3/94-6/95
- American Academy of PM&R, Residency Program Council Representative, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 93-94
- Intern of the Year, Methodist Hospital of Memphis 91-92